v0.1 (2010-09-26) first release v0.2 (2010-10-13) - huge performance improvements (x60) on the ical events parsing - preliminary support for event descriptions, that must be converted into Notes for QtMoko. However, these descriptions are currently truncated (length not correctly handled) and the encoding is not correctly handled too v0.3 (2010-11-01) - correct handling of event description length and encoding v0.4 (2010-11-18) - improved the main script with command line options and parameters - added scripts that automates the process of downloading several .ics files through HTTP (Internet access needed), and update the QtMoko database - it now works on QtMoko itself as well as on a standard computer TODO for next versions : - add attendees to the event descriptions - handle event categories - make a package for QtMoko, and make it runnable through the QtMoko interface (without launching the Terminal) - do some speed improvements when running on QtMoko? - add a user interface?